This video is designed for municipal workers and illustrates the basic rules for working in confined spaces. Oxygen deficiency and other potential dangers are covered. In addition, the health effects and physical characteristics of toxic gases including carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, and methane are examined.
I noticed right from the start they did not use a gas detector before entering a confined space Nor was there one laying around them
Dead crazy serious..¡
Got this video sent from to me from Ansan, people in this company snivel and bitch about picking someone up for work in the morning and want you to walk two blocks from their house just to be picked up and have to wait and half an hour to an hour to be picked up by the time you get down their your sweating just standing in snow pants and snow gear talk about wanting someone to catch hypothermia before work they dont care about weither their flaggers are safe either… i dont give a damn if they see my comment only to have the satisfaction of putting this company down as they have discriminated me for not having a licience and people bitching about having to pick me up in the morning because one person didnt like it so he bitched about it everyone else had no problems with it said i was a great flagger too i guess or talked shit about me behind my back. The boss and the dispatchers can take their jobs and shove it up their asses. Fucking ignorant as all hell and firing me before christmas even saying i have a demanding issue whatever i asked questions i wasnt being demanding… asswholes. Plus their safety rules are not being met as of one flagger, always on her cellphone, i thought we were suppost to set an example for other flaggers and for people on the road its no wonder people like her get hit on the road so guess that tells you how much they dont follow safety rules have a great day and thanks worksafe bc for the video but these flaggers they dont give a shit about safety obviously. Oh and the boss doesnt want to listen to both sides of the story he just fires people if he wants too… Ps… questions about checks and shit isnt being demanding esspecially when iv been in the company for 4 years and was making 15.18 an hour when supposedly i was suppost to be making $16.25- $17.95 according to that little orange handbook thing was given to me by a flagger in the company… for being there over 18months $16.25 – $17.95 at least an hour is what i was told by other flaggers guess that was bullshit too…
I'm not even sure how I ended up on this video.
5:07–5:30 SMDH
Did anyone else wake up on the floor after watching the end of this video? I love how a safety training video looks like it could be dangerous to watch if you're epileptic.
6:50 and 12:13 I knew I saw Hitachi and Jack type stabilizer backhoe loaders when I was 5! But what I can't understand is why the backhoe loaders with jack stabilizers don't appear here anymore. Like, CASE made a new T series backhoe and it has jack stabilizers. But why is it not being sold here in Vancouver? :/
Was 6:58 warning us of other deadly spaces?
I watched up to about 1:20 and it told me everything I needed to know so I stopped watching! 🙂
Watched it the whole way through. Good into to confined space gas safety training
They used Mario!
the 5 people who dislike this video are dead because of entering a confined space…
Not only for firefighters, safety is important for every worker 😉
your obviously not well trained if you skip all safety measures fucktards
Sorry Mario but your Oxygen is in another confined space.
9:34. It seems Mario's getting better the next time round!
6:01. Mario made it to the second level, but didn't get to defeat King Koopa 🙁 Oh, well, better luck next time.
3:23. Keep going, Mario! Go clobber King Koopa!
Presenter needs to loose the tie. It's a safety hazard =)
six feet under? coincedence? I think not!